Labor Day is here and that means this weekend we’ll be celebrating the historic mills of Mora County and enjoying the rodeo and eating the famous barbecue and pinto beans in Wagon Mound.

Visiones Colaborativas-Collaborative Visions will be out again offering up information about the Mora Plaza Nueva Project and offering opportunities for you to give your thoughts about what you think the Plaza should include.

We’ll be at La Cueva Mill on Saturday, August 31 from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. Take a few minutes during your mills tour to give us your opinion. On Monday, September 2, we’ll have a booth at the 114th annual Wagon Mound Bean Day along with our friends from the 100% Mora Initiative. Come out and enjoy the parade and the barbecue and learn about the great things happening in Mora County!

No time this weekend? Please take a few minutes take our survey The Mora Plaza Nueva Project has the potential to become a true community anchor spot, but that’s only possible if as many Mora community members as possible take the time to tell us what is wanted and needed.

Here are a few responses from our earlier survey –